“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”

- Audrey Hepburn

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Inspiration FUN!

I found a new blog today that I just looove. You know when you find that one blog that just speaks to you? It has a gazillion DIY projects that just keep you jumping up and down in creatively flowing excitement? Well this is the blog that did it to me.

Introducing Centsational Girl. This blog is soo adorable. I am currently redoing our bedroom, and I have been re-inspired by her post of re-doing her little girl's room into a true blue surfer/shabby chic room.

I just loove this room, and she got those awesome frames on the wall from Aaron Brothers from their 1 cent after Christmas sale. How awesome is that?

I love the colors of light blues, silvers, and the mix of metallic grays that make up this room. I'm heading out to Ikea tonight, so hopefully I can get some cute finds to help me with my ideas.

Oh and btw, those awesome striped curtains are from Target. Perfect huh?

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! And stop by Centsational Girl for some more cute DIY projects and to see all of the other cute things she has thought up for some inspiration of your own :)

1 comment:

  1. ummm, so you wanna know something awesome.... I found her blog about a year ago and then by chance we know live like down the road from each other :) Glad you found her and like her too!! :)
